Our mission
Everyone is talking about digitalization. We come from the Hasso Plattner Institute and are therefore already 100% digital. This allows us to think one step further: what actually happens after digitalization – what happens when everything and everyone is digital? What are the consequences for learners and therefore for society in the long term?
Our vision is based on this question: Perhaps digitalization does not have to come at the expense of the analogue, the physical. Perhaps the two opposites can complement each other and build on each other?
This is precisely the idea behind KYUB, our system for project-based, physical learning in the classroom: first plan and design workpieces digitally, then produce them in an analog fashion and have fun cross-curricular learning contents.
Teachers learn about KYUB
System KYUB
KYUB is the only system in the world that enables the design and prototyping of objects up to the size of a chair within teaching units.
KYUB was researched and developed at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering under the direction of Professor Patrick Baudisch. Protected by four patents, the system includes not only interactive software and learning content, but also the control of production machines such as laser cutters.
Kyub contains a library of interdisciplinary learning content, each of which focuses on a specific subject. The choice of classes is ambitious and includes complex challenges from functional, load-bearing furniture to playable musical instruments. They are first constructed and designed by the learners in the web browser and then physically produced later. The goal-oriented, practical activity creates interest, commitment, and fun. And this, in turn, motivates the the underlying learning contents. In the case of the “chair” workpiece, for example, learning content from physics (force, vibration), languages (description of objects and/or processes) and history (manufacturing) is being transported to the subjects of craftsmanship and digital design.
Pupils build speakers with KYUB
Our focus
Our objective s to change school and the way schools interact with society. Our offer is aimed at committed actors in the education system,
- who share the vision that interdisciplinarity is the key to sucessful learning
- who want to give learners direction when it comes to career and future choices
- who would like to see technology and craftsmanship return to everyday school life
- who want to teach children solution-oriented creative thinking and teamwork
- who have the courage and energy to improve education
We are looking for partnerships with people and institutions who are prepared to join us on the often rocky road of developing, implementing and financing a completely new approach.

The flagship project
Alexander Otto (49), the principal of Grace Hopper Comprehensive School in Teltow, was convinced by the concept after attending a workshop.
“School has to be fun. School should prepare our children for the prosessional world of the 21st century and should provide direction and showcase career choices. I hope to achieve a lot of this with KYUB.”
He succeeds in getting his school authority, the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark, on board. A five-year collaboration has been signed, which will also allow other schools in the district to use KYUB.
The first project will be implemented with the 8th grade: on 15 project days spread over the school semester, 120 pupils will each plan and build their own cajon and perform a final concert with these instruments at the end.
“Six teachers contribute their respective topics. They identify which parts of their respective curricula they can cover as part of the project. The teaching staff fully support this. This leads to an attitude that is key to enabling innovation.”
(Headmaster Alexander Otto)

The KYUB system was originally developed at the Hasso Plattner Institute. KYUB GmbH is a spin-off of the institute. The shareholders are Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch and the HPI Seed Fund. Anna Roumen is the managing director. Kyub has been funded by the district of Potsdam Mittelmark since 2024.
We look forward to your interest: schule@kyub.com
KYUB in the Media
5. April 2022